Right of Entry Bylaw (formerly “Right to Access”)

On October 30 2008, Council adopted a new harmonized “Right of Entry” by-law – one that is a great improvement over previously existing by-laws.

Our thanks goes to the four city residents (Eileen Denny, Hilde Reis-Smart, David Bawden and Bobby Burton) , working on their own time and at their own expense who  played a key role in protecting citizens.  They are largely responsible for the new by-law which permits entry in a more fair and even-handed manner with appropriate assignment of responsibilities.  The beneficiaries of their work are the people of Toronto.  Under the previous rules,  if there was a problem, it was left up to the neighbour to resolve or take the offending party to court.

A brief summary of the new by-law:

  • a permitting system which provides for significant input by the neighbour whose property is to be used;
  • the requirement that the accessing party provide a security deposit;
  • the ability of the City to issue orders to comply and to remedy damages at the accessing party’s expense; and
  • City inspections.

For full details see the staff report at http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2008/ls/bgrd/backgroundfile-16049.pdf.