About The York Mills Valley Association
What is the YMVA?
The York Mills Valley Association (YMVA) is the resident’s association for our neighbourhood, from Hedgewood to the North, Knightswood to the East, Forest Glen to the South and Yonge to the West.

Hoggs Hollow
Who are the YMVA?
Every resident of the York Mills Valley, who has paid their annual dues, is a member of YMVA.
A board consisting of 12 elected Directors and the immediate past president (all volunteers) work on behalf of the community.
What does the YMVA board do?
The board of the YMVA works to help promote the community of Hogg’s Hollow and protect residents’ interests.
Following are a few examples of the contribution of the YMVA to our neighbourhood:
- The YMVA has spent the last 6 or so years working to retain the special feel of the Valley, by ensuring that streets do not have sidewalks, that they are not straightened to new City standards during the reengineering work and that rolling curbs were implemented, rather than the hard ones preferred by the city.
- In many instances, the YMVA is your voice with the city, and meet regularly with the Councillor and City staff to resolve issues, such as traffic calming, concerns with sewer construction, and flooding control.
- The YMVA liases and when needed, provides funding to the Neighbourhood Activities Group (NAG), a group of residents who organize various events year round for all residents, such as welcomes to newcomers to the Valley, the Kids Halloween Party, the Fall Social, the Skating Party and the Valley Spring Cleanup.
- The special street signs that you see, that help provide some of the charm of the neighbourhood, were funded by the YMVA, who are currently liaising with the city to ensure that replacements are not the standard city ones.
- The parking lot by the Miller that was transformed into the Jolly Miller Park with a “mill relic” site and soft landscaping for us all to enjoy, was only possible as a direct result of the advocacy and tenacity of successive YMVA boards.
- The YMVA provides assistance to neighbours, both new and old on how to deal with difficult situations.
- The YMVA tries to ensure that the integrity of our community is not compromised by egregious building
- The YMVA supports the NAG to help to put on events like the Valley Fair, that bring the whole community together.
In order to continue to be your voice of the neighbourhood, we need to demonstrate that we are relevant for the community and needed by the community. Membership demonstrates that relevance.
If you have not joined yet, we encourage you to do so, and help us to preserve the special place that is Hogg’s Hollow.